CTest Ext Commands

This section describes all commands provided by CTest Extension module. Those commands are supposed to be used in project's testing script.

Dashboard testing commands


Initializes CTest Ext module for dashboard testing.


The function sets dashboard settings to default values (if they were not defined prior the call) and performs project repository checkout/update if needed.


Starts dashboard testing.


The function sets testing settings to default values (if they were not defined prior the call) and initializes logging mechanism.


Configures CMake project.


To configure CMake cache variables use add_cmake_cache_entry command.


Builds CMake project.

ctest_ext_build([TARGET <target>] [TARGETS <target1> <target2> ...])


Runs tests.


The function will pass its arguments to ctest_test as is.


Collects coverage reports.

    [GCOVR <options for run_gcovr>]
    [LCOV <options for run_lcov>]
    [CDASH <options for ctest_coverage>])

The function passes own arguments to run_gcovr, run_lcov and ctest_coverage as is.


Runs dynamic analysis testing.

    CDASH <options for ctest_memcheck>)

The function will pass its arguments to ctest_memcheck as is.


Submits testing results to remote server.


CMake configuration commands


Adds new CMake cache entry.

add_cmake_cache_entry(<name> <value> [TYPE <type>] [FORCE])

Git repository control commands


Clones git repository from <git url> to <destination> directory.

clone_git_repo(<git url> <destination> [BRANCH <branch>])

Optionally <branch> name can be specified.

CTEST_GIT_COMMAND variable must be defined and must point to git command.


Updates local git repository in <directory> to latest state from remote repository.

update_git_repo(<directory> [REMOTE <remote>] [BRANCH <branch>] [UPDATE_COUNT_OUTPUT <output variable>])

<remote> specifies remote repository name, origin by default.

<branch> specifies remote branch name, master by default.

<output variable> specifies optional output variable to store update count. If it is zero, local repository already was in latest state.

CTEST_GIT_COMMAND variable must be defined and must point to git command.


Gets information about local git repository (branch name and revision).

get_git_repo_info(<repository> <branch output variable> <revision output variable>)

System commands


Creates temporary directory and returns path to it via <output_variable>.

create_tmp_dir(<output_variable> [BASE_DIR <path to base temp directory>])

BASE_DIR can be used to specify location for base temporary path, if it is not defined TEMP, TMP or TMPDIR environment variables will be used.

CTEST_TMP_DIR variable is used as default value for BASE_DIR if defined.

Check commands


Sets <variable> to the value <value>, only if the <variable> is not defined.

set_ifndef(<variable> <value>)


Sets <variable> to the value of environment variable with the same name, only if the <variable> is not defined and the environment variable is defined.

set_from_env(<variable1> <variable2> ...)


Overrides all variables from CTEST_<var_name> values, if they are defined.

override_from_ctest_vars(<variable1> <variable2> ...)


Checks that all variables are defined.

check_vars_def(<variable1> <variable2> ...)


Checks that all variables are defined and point to existed file/directory.

check_vars_exist(<variable1> <variable2> ...)


Checks that matches one of the regular expression from the input list.

check_if_matches(<variable> <regexp1> <regexp2> ...)


Filter out all items in the <list>, which match one of the regular expression from the input list.

list_filter_out(<list> <regexp1> <regexp2> ...)

Logging commands


Prints <message> to standard output with [CTEST EXT INFO] prefix for better visibility.



Writes <message> both to console and to note file.


The function appends [CTEST EXT NOTE] prefix to console output for better visibility. The note file is used in submit command.

The command will be available after ctest_ext_start call.

CTEST_NOTES_LOG_FILE variable must be defined.


Log new stage start.


Internal commands


Dumps all launch options to note file.


This is an internal function, which is used by ctest_ext_start.


Runs gcovr command to generate coverage report.

run_gcovr([XML] [HTML]
          [FILTER <filter>]
          [OUTPUT_BASE_NAME <output_dir>]
          [XML_DIR <xml output dir>]
          [HTML_DIR <html output dir>]
          [EXTRA_OPTIONS <option1> <option2> ...])

This is an internal function, which is used in ctest_ext_coverage.

The gcovr command is run in CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY directory relatively to CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY directory. The binaries must be built with gcov coverage support. The gcovr command must be run after all tests.

Coverage reports will be generated in:

  • /.xml
  • /.html

XML and HTML options choose coverage report format (both can be specified).

FILTER options is used to specify file filter for report. If not specified ${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}/* will be used.

OUTPUT_BASE_NAME specifies base name for output reports. If not specified coverage will be used.

XML_DIR specifies base directory for XML reports. If not specified ${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/coverage-gcovr/xml will be used.

HTML_DIR specifies base directory for HTML reports. If not specified ${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/coverage-gcovr/html will be used.

EXTRA_OPTIONS specifies additional options for gcovr command line.

If CTEST_GCOVR_<option_name> variable if defined, it will override the value of <option_name> option.

CTEST_GCOVR_EXECUTABLE variable must be defined and must point to gcovr command.


Runs lcov and genthml commands to generate coverage report.

         [OUTPUT_LCOV_DIR <output_lcov_dir>]
         [OUTPUT_HTML_DIR <output_html_dir>]
         [EXTRACT] <extract patterns>
         [REMOVE] <remove patterns>
         [EXTRA_LCOV_OPTIONS <lcov extra options>]
         [EXTRA_GENTHML_OPTIONS <genhtml extra options>])

Runs lcov and genthml commands to generate coverage report.

This is an internal function, which is used in ctest_ext_coverage.

BRANCH_COVERAGE and FUNCTION_COVERAGE options turn on branch and function coverage analysis.

SKIP_HTML disables html report generation.

The lcov command is run in CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY directory relatively to CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY directory. The binaries must be built with gcov coverage support. The lcov command must be run after all tests.

If CTEST_LCOV_<option_name> variable if defined, it will override the value of <option_name> option.

CTEST_LCOV_EXECUTABLE variable must be defined and must point to lcov command. CTEST_GENHTML_EXECUTABLE variable must be defined and must point to genhtml command.