Run project testing script

  1. Download project testing script.

  2. Put the project testing script to a dashboard directory (for example, ~/Dashboards/project or c:/Dashboards/project).

  3. Run CTest tool from a command line:

    $ ctest -VV -S ~/Dashboards/project/project_test.cmake
  4. Add the above command to a scheduler (for example, cron) or to a CI system (like buildbot, jenkins, travis).

For CTest tool command line options please refer to CTest Documentation.

Configure the testing script

The CTest Extension module can be configured in three ways:

  1. Create parent CMake script, which will define all required variables and then include the project's testing script:

    set(CTEST_TARGET_SYSTEM "Linux-Ubuntu-14.04-x64")
    set(CTEST_MODEL         "Performance")
  2. Pass the options with CTest command line:

    $ ctest -VV -S ~/Dashboards/project/project_test.cmake \
        -DCTEST_TARGET_SYSTEM="Linux-Ubuntu-14.04-x64" \
  3. Set the options as environment variables prior to CTest call:

    $ export CTEST_TARGET_SYSTEM="Linux-Ubuntu-14.04-x64"
    $ export CTEST_MODEL="Nightly"
    $ ctest -VV -S ~/Dashboards/project/project_test.cmake